- 全面採集空調系統的運行參數,對空調系統各個環節進行全面統一的控制。通過系統集成技術實現各個系統之間的信息綜合、資源共享、實現中央空調全系統的協調運行和綜合性能的優化。
- 充分考慮中央空調系統的多參量、非線性、易震盪的特性,採用傳統PID控制與自學習、自適應的智能模擬控制相結合的控制方式。為每一套空調系統量身訂做不同的專用控制程序,精確模擬空調系統負荷變化,在保證空調效果的情況下使獲得最大節電率。
- 方便制作各種報表、數據曲線,以及故障記錄。
- 遠端設立數據分析中心,與現場設備建立遠程通訊,定期交換數據,分析系統運行情況,不斷對現場程序參數進行修正完善,確保達到最佳的控制效果。
- 安全性高,數據保密性好,系統管理員可以輕易為每個操作員分配操作權限。
- 為空調系統提供各種保護,其中包括空調運行效率以及設備安全。保護系統的冷凍水出水溫度、冷卻水出水溫度、末端壓力、末端溫度及冷凍、冷卻水最小流量等。
- 操作簡便,所有設計均從用家方面作考慮,便於掌握。
一般空調水循環系統,利用變頻調速控制流量,達到系統節能的範圍內,投資可在3至4年內收回 成本。
廣泛應用於商業樓宇、酒店、大型工廠內的中央空調設備、空氣調節系統及水冷設備的冷水散熱 系統。
EAST-1 was developed by our technical development engineers based on sound theoretical analysis and relevant experience in that field. This system is patented in China. The average energy saving rate for the air-compressor and water pump system is estimated at 50%.
It centralizes the control for every aspect of system operation by gathering operating parameters from the entire air-conditioning system. It achieves communication and resource sharing through system integration techniques. It improves combined capability and achieves smooth operation for the entire central air-conditioning system.
We customise each system to ensure optimum temperature control of the air-conditioning system. Full consideration is given to the central air-conditioning system's multi-parametric, non-linear and anti-vibration nature; we combine both the traditional PID control, self-learning and self-adapting intelligent control methods.
Ability to produce various reports, data curves and malfunction records.
Periodic update between remote long distance data and on-site data in order to achieve optimum system control.
High level of security and data protection. The system administrator can easily assign and update individual security clearance levels for its operators.
Provides various safeguards for the central air-conditioning system. Maintains the system's operating efficiency rate and safety of related equipments. Includes cold-water outflow temperature protection, condenser water outflow temperature protection, extreme pressure and temperature protection, as well as cold and condensing water minimum flow protection.
Ease of operation – all products are designed to be user-friendly.
A standard air-conditioning water circulation system, using frequency and speed adjustments to control the water flow for the achievement of energy conservation within the operating parameter. This investment could break-even around 3 to 4 years.
Wide applications in commercial buildings, hotels, large factories, with central air-conditioning units, air-ventilation systems and heat reduction systems with water-cooling units.