注塑機液壓系統是壓力和流量波動較大的系統,在開模、合模、射膠、回料、頂出等不同工作階 段,其壓力和流量都要發生有規律的變化。多數時間內,負載的實際耗油量均小於油泵的供油量,造成高壓狀態下的液壓油部分經溢流閥、比例閥等液壓元件溢出。該溢流部分不僅未作任何有用 功,而且產生熱量,造成液壓油發熱,既耗油,又有害。
因此,根據注塑機當前的工作狀態,如開模、合模、射膠、回料、頂出等階段以及壓力和速度的設定要求,自動調節油泵的轉速,調節油泵供油量,使油泵實際供油量與注塑機實際負載流量在任何工作階段均能保持一致,這樣,液壓油的溢流部分便沒有了,徹底消除了溢流現象,油泵出力減 少,節省了油泵電機的電能消耗。
- 優化電氣設施:減輕變頻器負荷,減少新開廠和新建工廠增容費。
- 延長整機壽命:節電器控制速度標準穩定,軟啟動(無電網衝擊)減輕開鎖模震動,避免設備撞擊,降低油溫,延長密封週期,從而延長整機壽命。
- 操作方便;生產中不需要對節能器進行調整,全程自動跟蹤控制,且有多種保護功能,簡單、安全、方便。
- 降低噪音:改造後設備噪音降低約10dB,設備動作更穩,作業環境得到改善。
- 轉換靈活:變頻轉換櫃方便用戶在任何時候,進行工頻到變頻或變頻到工頻的切換。
The compression system currently used in plastic injection machines is characterized by high pressure and flow rate fluctuations. During the molding process of opening and closing, plastic injection, material refilling and ejection, the system is subjected to variations in pressure and flow rate. Quite often, the actual oil consumption would be less than that supplied by the oil pump, causing part of the highly pressurized liquid to leak from the compressor's components like the overflow valve and balance valve. The leaked liquid becomes wastage in that it does not only bring unwanted heat to hydraulic oil and fuel consumption, but it is also harmful.
By using the plastic injection machine energy saving system, it employs inverters to automatically adjusts the pump speed and oil pump supply in accordance with the actual pressure and speed requirements, hence balancing the actual oil consumption and fuel supply during the above-mentioned molding process. The system eliminates oil leakage completely and achieves power reduction for the oil pump.
The frequency-adjusting energy saving control system utilizes the variable pump during various stages of the process to provide responsive speed adjustments. The inverter transforms a fixed control pump to a variable control pump to optimize energy saving for plastic injection machines.
- Optimize electrical facilities: reduces load and costs.
- Prolong equipment life: standardized control for energy saving units; soft-starting; reduce starting vibrations, friction and oil temperature.
- Ready to operate: fully digital control, no need for manual adjustment.
- Reduce noise level of the machine to 10dB with a more stable operation and improved working environment.
- Flexible changeover: a changeover cabinet allows the customer to conduct changeovers easily at any time.
Energy saving is significant. The system can achieve 30-60% power saving with a payback period of around 6 months to 1 year.
Plastic injection machine, die-casting machine.